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Spitalul Municipal de Urgență \Elena Beldiman\ Bârladsavecompany

Spitalul Municipal de Urgență \Elena Beldiman\ Bârlad is located in Bârlad, Romania on Bulevardul Republicii 300. Spitalul Municipal de Urgență \Elena Beldiman\ Bârlad is rated 2.9 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Romania.

Star 3 out of 5 price$$
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(Translated by Google) to live the doctors and all the assistants from ATI and all the staff, to give you health (Original) sa traiasca medicii si toti asistentii de la ATI si tot personalul, sa va dea Domnu sanatate


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Nuta Mocanu

(Translated by Google) Here is the death as my mother says she was hospitalized for 2 weeks and I want to tell you nurses and nurses it was good God to pay for all the harm you do to the mother screaming in pain for all her tears and ours as we called her and cried for rest assured that no one can come in to control you but in a day this will end too And I hope you pay top and avoid this hospital as much as possible (Original) Aici e moartea cum spune mama a fost internată 2 saptamani si vreau sa va spun doamnelor asistente si infirmiere dădea bunu dumnezeu sa platiti pentru tot răul care il faceti pentru strigatu mamei de durere pentru toate lacrimile ei si ale noastre ca o sunam si plângea de sete stati linistiti ca nu poate intra nimeni sa va controleze dar intr o zi se v a termina si asta Si Sper sa platiti cu varf si îndesat evitati pe cat posibil acest spital


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Adina Pleșa

(Translated by Google) The hospital of horror ... In this hospital my father died .... he was hospitalized for infectious diseases at Dr. Chiscop Liviu. This doctor neglected my father and the day before the promised discharge he died ... He left him with a probe until he could no longer ... I consider this doctor guilty of my father's death .. He always told us on the phone that he was good that the tests are better ... that he was discharged on September 7th ... He didn't get the discharge on the 6th, he died .. neglected ... If it was so good .. why did he promise him the discharge .... the cause of death had no concrete explanation ... he didn't know what to tell us either because he neglected it ... but he put everything on the covid ... all the blame was on the covid without acknowledging the mistakes and negligence. I hope that this doctor Bishop Liviu will at least pay before God. (Original) Spitalul groazei... În acest spital mi a murit tatăl.... a fost internat la infecțioase la doctorul Chiscop Liviu. Acest doctor mi a neglijat tatăl și cu o zi înainte de promisa externare a murit... L a lăsat cu o sonda pana nu s a mai putut... Consider acest doctor vinovat de moartea tatălui meu.. La telefon ne spunea mereu ca e bine ca analizele sunt mai bune... ca îl externeaza pe 7 septembrie... Nu a mai apucat externarea pe 6 a murit.. neglijat... Dacă era asa bine.. de ce ia promis externarea.... Întrebat fiind cauza morții nu avea o explicație concreta... nici el nu știa ce sa ne spuna pentru ca la neglijat... dar a dat totul pe covid... toată vina a pus o în seama covidului fără a recunoaște greșelile și neglijenta. Sper ca acest doctor Chiscop Liviu sa plătească măcar în fata lui Dumnezeu.


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Ionela Ionela

(Translated by Google) My father died of covid in this hospital! I talked to him on the phone every day. He eats alone. It was very good until they decided to intubate him and one day he died! They are criminals (Original) Tatal meu a murit de covid in acest spital! Vorbeam cu el la telefon in fiecare zi.manca singur.era foarte bine pana au luat decizia sa l intubeze si intr o zi a murit! Sunt niste criminali


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Gabriel Nicolau

(Translated by Google) I have been hospitalized at the ATI Section since 01.12.2020. I came with the rescue from RmSarat. I'm sick Covit. Thanks to the whole team of doctors, nurses, nurses, nurses and last but not least to the nurses who deal with a lot of professionalism of all patients. Thank you for existing. I have great confidence in this team. There is a recovery period that with all the staff I hope will be as small and as durable as possible. (Original) Sunt internat la Sectia ATI din data de 01.12.2020. Am venit cu salvarea de la RmSarat. Sunt bolnav Covit. Multumesc întregii echipe de doctori, doctore, asistente, asistenți, infirmiere și nu în ultimul rând infirmierilor care se ocupa cu mult profesionalism de toți pacienții. Vă mulțumesc că existați. Am mare încredere în această echipă. Urmează o perioadă de recuperare care cu întreg personalul sper sa fie cat mai mică și cât mai trainică.


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Simona Pav

(Translated by Google) In Bârlad you can die ... They only have covid and that's it ... Emergencies don't take them over. Can you tell me how many people died because you didn't take over the emergency room? (Original) La Bârlad se poate muri... Ei au doar covid si atât... Urgentele nu le preia. Imi spuneti cate persoane au murit fin cauza că voi nu preluați urgențele?


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Spitalul Municipal de Urgență \Elena Beldiman\ Bârlad



+40 235416440



Bulevardul Republicii 300

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